NetObjects Fusion 12.0

Hier wohnt DL1CW -
kommen Sie doch rein!

Ich habe lange mit mir gekämpft, bis ich mich entschlossen habe meine Amateurfunk-Seite zu überarbeiten!

Zu diesem Thema gibt es viele tausend Seiten im Netz, welche die gesamte Vielfalt dieses Hobbys zeigen.

Ich habe mich der Teilnahme an Kurzwellen-Contesten verschrieben, und manchmal treibt es mich auch auf Die andere Seite†der pileups! Wenn Sie mehr wissen wollen, schauen Sie sich ruhig um...

The home of DL1CW,
come in please!

After a long fight against myself, I decided to re-design this site, about my HAM radio activities.

Dedicated to this topic, several thousand sites are online, which showing the whole range of interests within the Amateur Radio activities.

Out of this huge field, I spend my main focus on activities in short wave contests, and - from time to time - I enjoy the outstanding feeling to operate from the Other site of the pileups. If you want to see more, please look around...

Return: OA7 - Peru, Pt. Maldonado 2016
Made some 500+ QSOs from the place of my son, Puerto Maldonado, between 19.Aug. and 25.Aug 2016. Second operation was between 07.-10.Sep. 2016, out of the Amazonas jungle. As usual, CW only with 100W and some dipoles. Had some trouble to import my rig, so first part were made with an old commercial Standard System 6000, lend from a travel agency! Sorry for any inconvinience caused by my weak signal. QSL via DL-Bureau preferred.
9G5ZZ - Ghana 2017
Postponed my next trip to Ghana into 2017, because of private obligations earlier. Plans exist for first quarter to go again. Maybe for the ARRL-DX-CW? However, if you got me in your log already, you should use the LOG SEARCH of Clublog to find your QSO(s), and apply for bureau cards there.

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